All I know right now is. I'm 21.
I'm supposed to make mistakes. Even if it's the same ones over and over.
I'm supposed to go out every weekend,
take too many drunken pictures, and give my number to too many guys.
I'm supposed to spend too much money and own too many pairs of shoes.
I'm supposed to believe that these are the best days of my life.
And even if they're not, I'm going to treat them as if they are.
My Friend, Christina Harmon

I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes.
I am out of control and at times hard to handle.
But if you can't handle me at my worst,
then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
Marilyn Monroe

There are no good girls gone wrong - just bad girls found out.
Mae West

Huge events take place on this earth every day.
Earthquakes, hurricanes, even glaciers move.
So why couldn't he just... look at me?
My So Called Life

Beginnings are usually scary, and endings are usually sad,
but it’s everything in between that makes it all worth living.

It's not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys.
Sinners can surprise you. And the same is true for saints.
Why do we try to define people as simply good or evil?
Because no one wants to admit that compassion and cruelty
can live side by side in one heart. And that anyone is capable of anything.
Desperate Housewives

It is in the most difficult moments that we can show our bravest self.
Charlize Theron

We're all strangers connected by what we reveal,
what we share, what we take away... Our stories.
I guess that's what I love about books.
They are thin strands of humanity that tether us to one another
for a small bit of time, that makes us feel less alone
or even more comfortable with our aloneness, if need be.
Libba Bray

Maybe our girlfriends are our soul mates and guys are just people to have fun with.
Sex and the City

When you forgive, you in no way change the past,
but you sure do change the future.
Bernard Meltzer

You know I use to spend every day thinking about you and dreaming about you,
and every time you walked by I lost myself. Do you know what that feels like?
And you couldn't possibly know what it feels like to have that person
not have the same feelings back. Look, I'm sorry if you miss the way I looked at you,
but I dont miss the way you never looked at me.
Dawson’s Creek

Beauty fades; who you are within is forever.
Beyonce Knowles

You know, it’s been said that we just don’t recognize
the significant moments in our lives while they’re happening.
That we grow complacent with ideas or things or people,
and we take them for granted, and it’s usually not until
that thing is about to be taken away from you, that you realize
how wrong you’ve been, that you realize how much you really need it,
how much you love it.
One Tree Hill

A break up is like a broken mirror.
It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself to fix it.

Some things don't last forever, but some things do.
Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out
and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down on the corners
and peering in close, hoping you still recognize the person you see there.
Sarah Dessen

You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car,
but because they sing a song only you can hear.
Oscar Wilde

I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally;
I never expected it to do anything special for me,
yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped.
Audrey Hepburn

Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely
and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I think of you and me and what we shared, I know it would be easy
for others to dismiss our time together as simply a by-product
of the days and nights we spent by the sea, a "fling" that,
in the long run, would mean absolutely nothing.
That’s why I don't tell people about us. They wouldn't understand,
and I don't feel the need to explain, simply because
I know in my heart how real it was... how real this is.
When I think of you I cant help smiling,
knowing that you've completed me somehow.
I love you, not just for now, but for always,
and I dream of the day that you'll take me in your arms again.
Dear John

I'm looking for love.
Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love.
Sex and the City
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